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 Seizing this opportunity: Prior to the shoe's official release, the company aired a national advertisement insinuating that the banned footwear could have a competitive edge: "The NBA banned them from the game," the announcer's voice cracked. The camera then pans down from Michael's long, sleek legs to reveal the sneakers, commonly known as "Breds." "Fortunately, the NBA can't stop you from wearing them." The league purportedly fined Michael $5,000 each time he stepped onto the court wearing banned sneakers, a penalty the organization gladly paid and garnered free publicity for, although the sneakers have since appeared more in conventional colorways. The ban may seem like a setback for the product, but it's actually a favorable opportunity. "It associates this great player with these high-profile shoes and conveys the idea of American exceptionalism," Semelhack remarked. "Not only is he exceptional for his talents; Because he did it in his own way." But it turns out the story isn't quite that straightforward. In 2012, Marvin Barrias was perusing the forums on the Sneaker News website Sole Collector when he posed a question: Does anyone have a picture of Michael Jordan wearing the banned AJ1s at an NBA game? Everyone has seen the famous photo of him donning Breds and a gold chain during the 1985 Slam Dunk Contest, before NBA uniform regulations were applicable. But no one has images of him wearing the banned <a target='_blank' href=''>real cheap jordans</a> during the regular season. "People say, 'He gets fined $5,000 every time he wears AJs,'" Barillas said. He runs the Instagram account mjo23dan and covers shoes and sneaker culture for Sole Collector. "So I think a lot of people are asking this question, like, 'Well, are there any pictures of him wearing the black and red shoes that a lot of people think are banned?"


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